Monday, July 8, 2013

Reading Center and a little tip from Fred Jones

Here's the Reading Center sign which is similar to the Listening Center.  Next up, Puzzle Center.

Just in case you're wondering, no, this is not the final product.  I'll take them to our laminating center, paste them on one piece of poster board (probably blue because that's my literacy color - green is math, orange is science, etc.) and laminate the whole thing so that it'll be an approx 16" x 22" poster.  Easy peasy.

Now, as for Fred Jones.  I've been re-reading Fred because I can never brush up on classroom management enough.  I've been trying to read a little bit before bed each night.  Last night's snipit that stuck out the most was how to get kiddos to have a good work ethic at such a young age.  The answer is so obvious but also not easy to accomplish.  It's simply to check their work as they're doing it.  Makes sense, right?  You put a kiddo on a center when they're independently able to do it, but then do small group at your table and don't keep an eye on them.  They know you're not watching.  So they start to goof off and then eventually get in trouble.  This happened a LOT last year - especially after Christmas break.

This might sound like an easy fix but it's going to be tricky.  First of all, I do centers in order to do my necessary small group work.  It's hard to be in two places at once.  I'm going to have to figure out how to utilize my classroom aide at this time a little more efficiently so that I can get out there and check on the kiddos.  All they need is to get back on track, a few atta-boys and TA-DA - work ethic is born.


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